Thursday, September 23, 2010

Milo Kisses=XOXO!?!

Tonight I had a quick 3 miler to run and then Milo and I did a full 1 mile loop around Catonsville here. On our outing we got to see Fin the neighborhood Lab (Milo's buddy when we are out walking) but only did a quick sniff and off we went running. We didn't have much time for a long visit as we are on a mission to train for a Doggie and Mommy full 5K run together in the Spring of 2011. Milo is doing so well with his running commands and runs on point at the heal. While running I do my famous and Milo follows just like the perfect running partner he is. It was open roads and a perfect night for running with a big old full moon in sight. Just a running dog and his running partner in the moon light (how perfect is that?!?).

After a quick 1 mile run and Milo's oh so famous tongue to the ground we came home sat down, got some ice cold water and relaxed in front of Grey's. (McDreamy is back hooray!!)


Brittany Kisses from Milo my VERY appreciative boy after a nice 1 miler!


  1. BAHAHA he has a huge tongues! That is awesome you did a mile together...I want a dog!!

    P.S. we should attend a carb support group to get help for our problem!
